Tuesday, March 3, 2009

So this is love...

Hurray for my first installment of Girliness & Godliness. If you’re a young woman who wants to grow in her relationship with God and others, this is the place for you! I hope that you will be encouraged as you live out your faith day to day, but I also hope you are encouraged in your femininity. Girliness is under attack – there are so many messages out there in the world about what being a woman is about and my hope is to encourage you through my experiences and observations as I apply the Word of God to different areas of life as a woman.

I am not writing from a place of perfection, but from a place of concern and conviction. Sometimes you will be alone in the choices you make. My relationship with Jesus was strengthened in my teens when I met young guys and girls my age who were pursuing godliness out of a personal commitment and understanding. Sadly, I hadn’t found such a community anywhere else, not even my church. I’ll share my testimony with you all one day.

So before I start on the topics of friendships, relationships, convictions, and emotions, I want to emphasize that the point of it will always be wrapped up in the greatest commandment. All of the other ones are wrapped up in that one. Jesus says so himself!

"'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." Matthew 22:37 – 40

You’ve probably heard this before, but my hope is that you really understand it. The Lord is IN LOVE with you. He made you and in making you deposited gifts and talents, strengths and weaknesses, your personality, the sound of your laughter, the color of your eyes, the breadth of your smile. And he adores you. So naturally, he wants to KNOW you. But Like anyone in LOVE he is not content to just know you he also wants to be known BY you.

The Westminster Confession, which many Christian churches profess says that our highest goal in life is, “to glorify God, and fully to enjoy him forever” Our love for Christ is something to be enjoyed. It should rosy our cheeks, brighten our smiles, put a spring in our step and a flutter in our hearts. It should be the source for our desire to honor and glorify God.

So it will always come down to this . . .

We must LOVE the Lord.

This love isn’t just the mushy kind. It’s not enough to simply feel his presence or experience his blessing. This love is the kind that commands our actions. Would you believe a woman who says she is in love with someone, but never spends time with them him or does things that would hurt him? Of course not! Our love for the Lord must be backed up with actions that reflect that love.

We must LOVE others. Loving others in a godly way is not about being nice to your friends. Remember, Jesus says that we have to even love our enemies! Christ-like love for others MUST reflect Christ’s love for us – and he died for us. That’s kind of a big deal! But don’t worry, the Lord will show you how.

So as I begin to write to you from my heart, remember that nothing I say is to impose my convictions on you. As you are bombarded with messages from the World and even from the church, I want to be a voice of Truth and Love.

I write because I am a woman in love . . .with God. His faithful friendship, His gentle grace, His matchless beauty, His lavish love has been my constant companion these 29 years. I cannot envision my life without Him. All of the blessings He has sent my way are nothing compared to knowing Him and knowing that in the midst of my sin, He chose me and even when I stumble He still loves me fiercely.

I write out of my love for you. I want you to know Him and be known by Him in this very way. It is the Romance you were created for. Thanks for journeying with me.

With Sincere Love,


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your new blog! Thanks for sharing your heart with us!
